Private capital voice for Treasurer’s round table
11 Oct 2022 - News

Incoming chief executive of the Australian Investment Council, Navleen Prasad, has been appointed as a core member of Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers’ new investor round table.
The round table will bring together investment community leaders and federal and state government representatives to identify and reduce barriers to business investment.
Other investment community representatives include chief executives of the big four banks, Macquarie Group chief executive Shemara Wikramanayake and Blackrock’s Australian head Andrew Landman.
Superannuation sector leaders include IFM Investors chairman – and former federal Labor MP – Greg Combet, Australian Retirement Trust chairman Andrew Fraser, Colonial First State chief executive Kelly Power and CBUS chairman – and former Labor federal treasurer – Wayne Swan.
Chalmers has said investment classes of national importance will examined one at a time at individual meetings.
The first meeting, in November, will focus on housing. Future meetings will look at topics including digitisation and clean energy.
Prasad will take up the role of chief executive of the Australian Investment Council, the peak body for the Australian private capital industry, in early November. She was formerly head of government and external relations at Macquarie Group (ASX: MQG). Prior to joining Macquarie Group, Prasad held client-facing roles in the taxation consulting divisions of Deloitte and PwC.
Image: Incoming Australian Investment Council chief executive Navleen Prasad.